Friday, July 10, 2009

:: Checklist for June (1)::

Wow, 5 months ++ before me and ibrahim getting married..lots of work to do!!preparation dah mula sikit2 dari bulan jun aritu.takut kelam kabut bila time2 nak dekat nnt.since noi and ibrahim are the youngest in our family, so we try to do the best that we can. wlupn simple tp at least puas ati.for me, life should b simplify!!elakkan pembaziran, elakkan berhutang, terima pendapat ahli keluarga dan plg penting perkahwinan mesti menepati syara'..
mentally, i'm not sure i'm well prepared to b a wife or not. tp yg pastinya tgh byk muhasabah diri n lots of reading now. skang nie tgh baca 'Kado Pernikahan Untuk Istriku'. pelik kan tajuk dia?? yap, coz written by indonesian. azzah introduced me dat book. long journey before we (referring to 3 stooges - azzah, izyan n noi) met the shop! =P so, each of us bought 1 copy since msg2 pn bakal mengakhiri zaman bujang..insyaAllah!
physically, a few things have been bought in is some update!!
1. Shopping for curtains!!! nie perancangan mak since 2,3 bln yg lepas..nak g nilai semata-mata cari langsir dia. adoi, dah terbayang long way to shop coz our mission is to have white n maroon theme. fortunately, kitorang dah dapat langsir tu after we went 4 or 5 shops. dapatla kaler yang kitorang nak tu..abang long xlarat nak ikut dah! maklumla, org prmpuan kan mission achieved.cuma xdapat cari bedsheet coz noi xberkenan ngan pilihan yang ada. hehe, lepas nie ibrahim la jadi mangsa to accompany me during surveying for bedsheet =P
Remarks: 60 meters of flowery textiles + 20 meters maroon satin for curtains (giler banyak tingkap umah mak nie..can u imagine how much we spent juz for 'langsir')
2. Besides, abah pn take part on this shopping session. he bought carpets to decorate our house. penuhla kete crv abg long tue..hehe. Thanks abah n mak!
3. Survey dress for khatam Al-Quran. Konon, nak survey je…”wak, jom pg jakel tgk2 kain untuk khatam quran”, request me to ibrahim on 13th june 2009. then, we’re hunting for that cloth from one level to another level. i believed this is the first time ibrahim went to this shop. pening ngan pompuan2 yg ramai nak cari baju for hari raya! But dear, I believed u’ve been familiar with this situation after we’re being engaged =p finally, kitorang jumpa yg dikehendaki. pink chiffon with beadings!! cantek..noi suka.mula2 pk byk kali coz kain tu berganda mahal dari baju nikah. konon nak cari baju untuk acara sampingan je, tp over lak dari yg sepatutnya. Ibrahim kata beli jela, dia tau noi suka..(coz noi dah tersengih2 cam kerang busuk lepas tgk kain tu). since both of us agreed, we bought that stuff..yeay!! ibrahim pn dapat kain skali coz it consists in one package.
ok settle bab2 shopping, pg berkelah lak kat Hot Spring Sg. Klah....
- 27 June 2009-

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