Tuesday, May 22, 2012

:: Penjawat awam ::

haha..entri kali ni nak cite pasal org di bawah.  i know mesti papa mampu geram je tgk gambar ni ditepek di sini. xpe kan kan kan??? =P

btw, thank to kak wa (my SIL) for inviting us to the dinner @ Jeram.. sempena dapat kenaikan gaji dan bonus untuk pegawai-pegawai kerajaan (my SIL is a teacher, so she is entitled for that scheme). beshla kitorg yg kene blanja nie..hehe, tp yg lg best sebab dapat kumpul adik-beradik suami  bersama famili msg2 dan ayah. pastu, kami suami istri pn da lama x g jeram since adanya luqman. bukan apa, malas nak tunggu mknn lama2 with the luqman yg huru-hara. alhamdulillah, managed to being here after a year..(or more)

 :: pic taken from k.Ina (my eldest SIL)

last night, me n my hubby have long conversation + deep thought about my hubby's offer to become a PTD. yes, it is PEGAWAI TADBIR DAN DIPLOMATIK..one of my dream job after i finished my studies (now, xlagi,saya tau Allah da beri pekerjaan yg terbaik tuk saya tika ini). alhamdulillah, papa (my hubby) got the offer after a first try. good job pa!!! sepatutnya papa lapor diri 13 hb jun..but i think papa have decided not to go for a few reasons. thank u to Azzah (my best friend in uni. and now is a PTD) for giving an honest advise. i don't know what others think..its really a tough decision for my husband. tapi mama nampak ada hikmah disebaliknya (at least i know UNISEL not underpaid me as the starting salary is not a bulk of money as what i've think before)..hehe..

For my silent reader;
"Pa, mama percaya you can get better opportunity in the future. mama sentiasa doakan yang terbaik..mgkin Allah lebih mengetahui dan disampaikan melalui org2 di sekeliling papa.."

 mama hanya mampu tersenyum for his decision..

1.  mama don't have to worry being alone with Luqman during the examination period (16-30 Jun)
2.  bole anta mak ngan abah berangkat pergi umrah (15 Jun)
3.  pergi kenduri kawen kawan mama kt kg (16 Jun)
4. pg Family Day FasBio..klu jadi (16-17 Jun)
5. trip to Cameron with papa's officemate (early July)
6. mama xperlu risau papa dapat cuti raya ke x kat tmpat baru (Sept)
7. ada harapan lagi mama nk pergi papa konvo (Oktober)
8. tolong mama collect data for my thesis next sem (October/Nov)
9.  go to Sunway Lagoon for a cheaper ticket.. using privelege as a Sunway employee. (January..sbb tunggu Luqman 3 thn)
10. looking for better opportunity to continue papa's PhD..insyaAllah...

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