Today, i feel like to write something becoz sangat bengang dengan *****. rasa cam wasting my time in a very gud friday morning!!ish..ish..biarla Tuhan bls..duk senyap2 kat opis tls blog!!
"The culture we have does not make people feel good about themselves. And you have to be strong enough to say if the culture doesn't work, don't buy it."
---Morrie Schwartz [pg jauh culture yg xbagus..fuh2....]
"Do not think of your fault; still less of others' faults. Look for what is good and strong and try to imitate it. Your faults will drop off like dead leaves when their time comes."
---John Ruskin [wat sakit perasaan je fikir psl perkara2 negatif yg jadi..i wish i'll b strong enough]
"One of the most courageous things you can do is identify yourself, know who you are, what you believe in and where you want to go."
---Sheila Murray Bethel [i juz wish i can b myself..tolong jgn kcu saya bole??]
"I have learned that life may not always be easy, but it's always worth living."
---Melanie Race [yes, living because of Allah's, Prophet's, parents', husband's, family's and frens' love]
biarla, hari jumaat yg indah jadi ceria semula...saya marah dlm hati ok!!lbh baik fikir incik ibrahim blk dr miri mlm nie. yeah, i will meet my hubby after 2 days he went there..miss him so much!! <3
my life, my family, my friend, my career..part of journey that i want to remember..
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
:: 2009 yg byk kenangan - Episod: Kerjaya & Kawan::
SKT for year 2009 has been done, borang maklumat guru utk MQA pn dah cam sedey je coz xde research, publication n consultation. so, that's my target for 2010..M.A.S.T.E.R!!tp apsal undang2 makin ketat.oh no, hope my path will b easier to continue study!
2009 mmg byk kenangan for me n officemates..kitorang nyer proposal berjalan tuk 2009;
Sg. Klah [early June]
Kelip2 Kg. Kuantan [ early July]
Penang & Sg. Petani [early October]
Family Day Port Dickson [ end October]
Trip to Teluk Intan for my wedding [ mid December]
2009 mmg byk kenangan for me n officemates..kitorang nyer proposal berjalan tuk 2009;
Sg. Klah [early June]
Kelip2 Kg. Kuantan [ early July]
Penang & Sg. Petani [early October]
Family Day Port Dickson [ end October]
Trip to Teluk Intan for my wedding [ mid December]
Nampaknya, cuma Sg klah n Teluk Intan je yg jadi. Kelip2 Kg Kuantan xjadi coz aritu dah g fruit valley waktu mlm2, so kitorg da xberat lak nak g kelip2. myb one day!!October lak full of open house.Family day lak asyik tuka je..xjadi g PD, final decision is wetland Shah Alam..tgk jela jd ke x.
2010, we start our plan with picnic @ putrajaya. mula2 kene g yg dekat2 dulu br journey yg jauh2 menjadi..plan ni since bulan 7 lg. aritu xjadi sbb noi n ayu trlibat ngan sekretariat..alhamdulillah, at last we manage to go there..kredit to Dora for ur photo...

2010, we start our plan with picnic @ putrajaya. mula2 kene g yg dekat2 dulu br journey yg jauh2 menjadi..plan ni since bulan 7 lg. aritu xjadi sbb noi n ayu trlibat ngan sekretariat..alhamdulillah, at last we manage to go there..kredit to Dora for ur photo...

Friday, January 1, 2010
:: 2009 yg byk kenangan - Episode: Relationship ::
too much to say about this year..2009 have a lot of memories to b remembered!!pendek kata klu teringat sgala kenangan dlm thn nie boleh mmbuatkan saya terharu..huhu..
I welcomed 2009 with a great event which is my engagement day..satu permulaan yg official dlm perhubungan noi dan ibrahim.sblm nie,status kitorg kawan skang dah tuka jd happy..kebetulan, my engagement day is the same as azzah's birthday.insyaAllh, 26 Januari jadi tarikh yg diingati!!
I welcomed 2009 with a great event which is my engagement day..satu permulaan yg official dlm perhubungan noi dan ibrahim.sblm nie,status kitorg kawan skang dah tuka jd happy..kebetulan, my engagement day is the same as azzah's birthday.insyaAllh, 26 Januari jadi tarikh yg diingati!!
end of 2009, i and ibrahim got married..alhamdulillah, noi dan ibrahim mmpunyai ikatan yg sah as husband n wife on 18th december 2009. so happy that many of our frens come during our wedding ceremony..sangat terharu actually!few things that i want to remember during this occasion....
> stress..demam..n sakit tekak seminggu sblm majlis! dahla student mintak cuti seminggu after christmas, so tired nk ganti klas n do the wedding preparation. hectic lg dgn dateline submission of final exam question paper. at last, sakit tekak sampai xkuar suara..klas xble ganti, xcukup tdo stiap hr smpi ari majlis.camne nak khatam quran??inna ma'al 'usri yusra....on 19th december, saya berkhtm dgn suara yg serak, tp alhamdulillah pass bacaan..=)
> 1st person yg bg hadiah: lee chee xiong, student foundation management.really appreciate that gift! may u n your frens will b sucess in life n miss hasnur still xcuti sampai ari selasa, 3 hari sblm hari nikah. tetiba rasa sgt komited trhadap kerja..padahal cuti tahunan masih brbaki 17 hari lg..
> my solemnization day is 2 days before my birthday n my birthday is 2 days before my husband's sweet meh?
18/12/2009 : nikah di masjid jame' langkap
19/12/2009 : kenduri belah perempuan..with white n meeroon theme!
20/12/2009 : kenduri belah lelaki..with gold theme..
21/12/2009 : my birthday..yippie..[*celebrate with my husband,nephew n nieces at kfc langkap] 23/12/2009 : my dear hubby's birthday..[*giving him 3 different presents..but, this year adiah murah jer sbb budget da abes tuk kawen..ok ye dear??]
> 1 muharam 1431 Hijrah is a new start for us!majlis nikah lancar. tok kadi sggh klaka..sume pakat gelak bila tok kadi 'kena'kan ibrahim.lafaz dr tok kadi : 2x, lafaz ibrahim: 1x.alhamdulillah, SAH!!
> masa kenduri umah noi we're wearing white n meroon dress. tp mlgnya ibrahim trbawa korset noi pg bagan dato'.oh, nooooooo...apeque, i need your help. nsb baik sempat,everythg goes well.thanx fren..
> masa knduri umah ibrahim, noi so kalut..sampai trtinggal handphone kat umah langkap. makeup sume masa sampai kat umah ibrahim, saya kool ajer..hehe..famili sume bedal makanan kat meja pengantin smpi licin, siap bwk blk udang lg..ish, mcm xpernah makan sbnrnya tu yg wat klaka.saje je, kat umah org sume sedap..sedey masa nak kna disbbkan esok da blk langkap, so lega sikit..
> outdoor photoshoot on 25 Dec 2009. at first, we plan to have dat session at Taman FRIM, Kepong. tp sbb kna byr fees for photoshoot, so kitorg rasa xberbaloi. dear was very innocent (only both of us know). so, the replacement was Taman Metropolitan (opposite FRIM tu) n Bukt Belacan, Ampang. thanx to our cameraman, Ayap n Acap..
alhamdulillah, wlupn ada kekurangan noi lega majlis da selesai..arini celebrate new year sambil tgk fireworks kat kepong with my husband n g lepak teh tarik kul 12.30 mlm. sape nak marah..saya kuar mlm2 dgn husband. new life as a wife. thanx Allah for His blessing, i can have my deep breath on 2010!!
> stress..demam..n sakit tekak seminggu sblm majlis! dahla student mintak cuti seminggu after christmas, so tired nk ganti klas n do the wedding preparation. hectic lg dgn dateline submission of final exam question paper. at last, sakit tekak sampai xkuar suara..klas xble ganti, xcukup tdo stiap hr smpi ari majlis.camne nak khatam quran??inna ma'al 'usri yusra....on 19th december, saya berkhtm dgn suara yg serak, tp alhamdulillah pass bacaan..=)
> 1st person yg bg hadiah: lee chee xiong, student foundation management.really appreciate that gift! may u n your frens will b sucess in life n miss hasnur still xcuti sampai ari selasa, 3 hari sblm hari nikah. tetiba rasa sgt komited trhadap kerja..padahal cuti tahunan masih brbaki 17 hari lg..
> my solemnization day is 2 days before my birthday n my birthday is 2 days before my husband's sweet meh?
18/12/2009 : nikah di masjid jame' langkap
19/12/2009 : kenduri belah perempuan..with white n meeroon theme!
20/12/2009 : kenduri belah lelaki..with gold theme..
21/12/2009 : my birthday..yippie..[*celebrate with my husband,nephew n nieces at kfc langkap] 23/12/2009 : my dear hubby's birthday..[*giving him 3 different presents..but, this year adiah murah jer sbb budget da abes tuk kawen..ok ye dear??]
> 1 muharam 1431 Hijrah is a new start for us!majlis nikah lancar. tok kadi sggh klaka..sume pakat gelak bila tok kadi 'kena'kan ibrahim.lafaz dr tok kadi : 2x, lafaz ibrahim: 1x.alhamdulillah, SAH!!
> masa kenduri umah noi we're wearing white n meroon dress. tp mlgnya ibrahim trbawa korset noi pg bagan dato'.oh, nooooooo...apeque, i need your help. nsb baik sempat,everythg goes well.thanx fren..
> masa knduri umah ibrahim, noi so kalut..sampai trtinggal handphone kat umah langkap. makeup sume masa sampai kat umah ibrahim, saya kool ajer..hehe..famili sume bedal makanan kat meja pengantin smpi licin, siap bwk blk udang lg..ish, mcm xpernah makan sbnrnya tu yg wat klaka.saje je, kat umah org sume sedap..sedey masa nak kna disbbkan esok da blk langkap, so lega sikit..
> outdoor photoshoot on 25 Dec 2009. at first, we plan to have dat session at Taman FRIM, Kepong. tp sbb kna byr fees for photoshoot, so kitorg rasa xberbaloi. dear was very innocent (only both of us know). so, the replacement was Taman Metropolitan (opposite FRIM tu) n Bukt Belacan, Ampang. thanx to our cameraman, Ayap n Acap..
alhamdulillah, wlupn ada kekurangan noi lega majlis da selesai..arini celebrate new year sambil tgk fireworks kat kepong with my husband n g lepak teh tarik kul 12.30 mlm. sape nak marah..saya kuar mlm2 dgn husband. new life as a wife. thanx Allah for His blessing, i can have my deep breath on 2010!!
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