hari ni papa buat surprise kat mama, ltk kotak kek secret recipe ngan kad dlm pti ais. slalunya papa blk bwk food kegemaran mama n bg camtu je. tp kli ni siap ltk kad lg..nsb baik xbasah =) location baik punye, btul2 sblh susu luqman. sbb papa tau setiap pagi mama akan buka pti ais n amik satu tupperware consists of expressed breastmilk for luqman.hehe..cute la papa nie. thumbs up for this effort..5 bintang*****
hmm, kbtln masa ni mama bgn2 tdo je trus trfikir nk ajak papa date..myb some other time yg mama free n ble amik cti. mama ingat nk tmnkan papa lunch dekat2 ofis papa..thinking to hv a lunch @ fullhouse or some other place at sunway pyramid. rupa2nya org tu da buat surprise dulu..cisss =P
my life, my family, my friend, my career..part of journey that i want to remember..
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Thursday, April 7, 2011
:: Luqman's development - part two ::
thanx to Allah for giving me time to write few words in this blog..being a parent to a 4- months baby make my life busy for sometimes.
according to the title >> luqman da 4 bln lbh skarang..quite an active baby, always menerap n bergolek xkira masa dan di mana jua. because of that, his babysitter has asked me not to sleep on the bed anymore..takut luqman jatuh. mmg pn, last few days luqman bergolek dan bergolek 360 darjah tanpa henti sblm tdo. mama lak dok kat ujung katil coz klu mama halang laluan dia, luqman will get angry.. da penat, trus tdo xsedarkan diri smpi pagi. haila anakku =)
it is an interesting experience being a mother for the first time. lots of thing u need to discover and it makes u have a topic to search when u r in front of ur pc. today, i search on the toys suited to my son, myb next month i need to know how to cook healthy porridge for my baby..it's all about learn a new thing and time management. skang nie brtuahla klu dapat tgk tv waktu mlm. kul 9 je luqman da mula bising..oh, mama has missed a few episode of asmara, ghost whisperer, trilogi cinta, desperate housewife n criminal minds..myb a good opportunity to qiyam at the middle of the night, tp slalunye just bgn sembahyang isya' n marking students' assignment je..erk~~ after all, i still happy with my daily routine. as luqman still wants to breastfeed, it's a big pleasure eventhough needs to go bed early.

according to the title >> luqman da 4 bln lbh skarang..quite an active baby, always menerap n bergolek xkira masa dan di mana jua. because of that, his babysitter has asked me not to sleep on the bed anymore..takut luqman jatuh. mmg pn, last few days luqman bergolek dan bergolek 360 darjah tanpa henti sblm tdo. mama lak dok kat ujung katil coz klu mama halang laluan dia, luqman will get angry.. da penat, trus tdo xsedarkan diri smpi pagi. haila anakku =)
it is an interesting experience being a mother for the first time. lots of thing u need to discover and it makes u have a topic to search when u r in front of ur pc. today, i search on the toys suited to my son, myb next month i need to know how to cook healthy porridge for my baby..it's all about learn a new thing and time management. skang nie brtuahla klu dapat tgk tv waktu mlm. kul 9 je luqman da mula bising..oh, mama has missed a few episode of asmara, ghost whisperer, trilogi cinta, desperate housewife n criminal minds..myb a good opportunity to qiyam at the middle of the night, tp slalunye just bgn sembahyang isya' n marking students' assignment je..erk~~ after all, i still happy with my daily routine. as luqman still wants to breastfeed, it's a big pleasure eventhough needs to go bed early.
~may luqman grow with full of love and happiness~
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