sem nie saya beralih arah skit ajar, byk fokus on studying stat. tp org matematik slalu xleh lari dr mengira..da jd habit kot everythg nk kira. ikut jln mana lg jimat kos, bli brg apa lg baik, budget mana nk guna nk renew road tax dll. alhamdulillah, saya pelajar math...
bulan nie few things come out in my mind..since i'm having a baby right now, so commitment is added. hujung bln je fikir budget nak byr kete, nk bg parents, nk byr babysitter, bills n so on. hubby ada portion lain plak..sebelum bersalin ritu, i read this one book entitled 'rahsia kekayaan apek'..nice n simple. the apek asks us to allocate salary for ourself before we utilize it at jusco, giant and astro (etc.) . why?? coz he said it is important when we fall sick n during the emergency period. klu xde saving sape nk tolong, saya rasa saya harus sedar! hujung bln je gaji saya habis wlupn adala save ciput2. started this year, i determined to b a good financial controller..

1st step g pej bendahari potong gaji setiap bulan tuk tabung haji. so, dah xyah pk nk g bank tiap2 bln da..wishing i can go haj at 40++ years old..settle
2ndly nk cashkan cheque n kuarkan duit xtra masa confinement period ritu ke bank simpanan tuk saving road tax plus fees for master..settle.
3rdly nk isi borang PTPTN ujra, harusla hbs utang cpt sbb azam nk g haji umur 40 tanpa utang lain slain utang rumah..
4thly nk review blk personal insurance, either it's worth to take family plan..or better remain with insurance plan i use now!
erk, cita2 besar..also, put high hope to have 1 bought home sweet home 1 day..bile ntah. sronok tgk pembgnan keliling2 rumah nie + bunting yg byk tuk iklan pmblian rumah bru. intention harus ada kan? insyaAllah..
i also wish to b beautiful mama..huh, ngade! prmpuan ttpla prmpuan..pantang klu xshopping. trus x jd gud financial controller. now, i have a new habbit! slain shopping tuk dri sndr, skang ni suke gak shopping tuk luqman..arghh, papa please sponsor =P
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