my little son is 6 months old..hmm, sekejap je masa berlalu. feeling sad for those cannot jaga anak sndr disebabkan hal2 trtntu.. time flies so fast. cam baru tgk luqman jatuh2 tilam sebab baru pandai brgolek, skang nie dia da angkat badan nk merangkak lak. gud boy my dear!!
i would like to jot down about luqman's 1st solid food for this, ank mama da pandai mkn. at first, i feel kind of frustated coz luqman seems not interested. but after lots of reading, nothing to be worried la..n skang cam ok. mama pn semangat je g pasar cari vege n fruits for luqman. first solid food is porridge with carrot+potato+chicken. tu xtermasuk bubur kosong yg luqman xmakan mase first time mama bg. ingatkan nk bg step by step, skali ini bdk kck sgt bijak ok sampaikan yg xsedap dia xmo.
stakat nie mama dah combine few ingredients in luqman's porridge including achovy, chicken, broccoli, carrot, sweet potato, pumpkin n dates. bukan sume dlm satu masala..hehe, bubur luqman ngan kurma, kentang n mama's EBM nampak menyelerakan. mama pn da try buat puri pisang n betik..he likes papaya puree more than banana. i wish not giving processed food to luqman, coz it contains sucrose which i think the baby doesn't need sugar. bak dlm iklan susu anmum, mama's porridge 'tiada gula tambahan' =)
my life, my family, my friend, my career..part of journey that i want to remember..
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
:: Seperti Dulu? ::
Mode: background song "seperti dulu" by Exist..i answer myself, ohh xsume perkara seperti dulu!! what change me? basically, Routine n Responsibility. i need to double triple organized than before i become a mom. sem dah mula..sblm nie lepas subuh tdo blk. bila luqman dah start mkn solid food nie, mama bgn2 je trus ke dapur, tenggek periuk bubur luqman. njoy new routine but absolutely miss a few things i've done before..
1. tengok vcd korea 16 episod semalaman>> that's what i always do when i juz finish my last paper in every semester. pilihan cerita haruslah yg sedey2, coz kononnya nak nanges2 release tension..hehe.'God, give me more times', 'Full House', '1 Litre of Tears', 'Goong'..ohh, i miss all gud days!
2. baca novel sehari suntuk>> in fact, i did this till the last day before i entered the labour room. now, i think it's better for me to read something more informational rather than novel cinta. myb zaman bercinta msk kategori org dah brumahtangga..xsesuai!! hehe..'ombak rindu', 'satu janji', xseindah mimpi'..myb next time ada masa nk baca novel2 sebegini..
3. menjenguk ke istana budaya dengan teater2 yg best>> dulu dating ngan papa di istana skang dating ngan papa dimana-mana saje. xsampai atila tgglkan luqman mlm2..i enjoy breastfeeding very much!! =)
4. berjalan sorang2 di sekitar jln tar, sogo, midvalley >> wow, nie hobi yg slalu dibuat time student. rasa dulu saya seorg yg indipendent n nothing would stop me from shopping except duit yg ciput. skang nie duit lagila ciput.xdela kojo den nak naik komuter semato2 g jalan tar tu ha..xpasal2 kene simbah asid. skang nie shopping alone gak tp kat jj, giant, tesco n online shopping..yehaaaa..
5. outdoor activities tlh lama dilupakan >> hehe, byk sungguh alasan klu nk brjogging. nsb baik bf burns the calories.n nsb baik diri ini xmengalami mslh kegemukan.aishla...
one part xleh wat bnda nie another part is i do something which is more meaningful in my life!! memenuhi masa lapang dan berpahala..insyaAllah! yg lbh penting, saya dah ada 2 kawan baik skang: hubby n baby.
1. tengok vcd korea 16 episod semalaman>> that's what i always do when i juz finish my last paper in every semester. pilihan cerita haruslah yg sedey2, coz kononnya nak nanges2 release tension..hehe.'God, give me more times', 'Full House', '1 Litre of Tears', 'Goong'..ohh, i miss all gud days!
2. baca novel sehari suntuk>> in fact, i did this till the last day before i entered the labour room. now, i think it's better for me to read something more informational rather than novel cinta. myb zaman bercinta msk kategori org dah brumahtangga..xsesuai!! hehe..'ombak rindu', 'satu janji', xseindah mimpi'..myb next time ada masa nk baca novel2 sebegini..
3. menjenguk ke istana budaya dengan teater2 yg best>> dulu dating ngan papa di istana skang dating ngan papa dimana-mana saje. xsampai atila tgglkan luqman mlm2..i enjoy breastfeeding very much!! =)
4. berjalan sorang2 di sekitar jln tar, sogo, midvalley >> wow, nie hobi yg slalu dibuat time student. rasa dulu saya seorg yg indipendent n nothing would stop me from shopping except duit yg ciput. skang nie duit lagila ciput.xdela kojo den nak naik komuter semato2 g jalan tar tu ha..xpasal2 kene simbah asid. skang nie shopping alone gak tp kat jj, giant, tesco n online shopping..yehaaaa..
5. outdoor activities tlh lama dilupakan >> hehe, byk sungguh alasan klu nk brjogging. nsb baik bf burns the calories.n nsb baik diri ini xmengalami mslh kegemukan.aishla...
one part xleh wat bnda nie another part is i do something which is more meaningful in my life!! memenuhi masa lapang dan berpahala..insyaAllah! yg lbh penting, saya dah ada 2 kawan baik skang: hubby n baby.
Monday, May 9, 2011
:: Luqman's development - part three ::
ee, marah lak sbb sepatutnya entry ni da lama post tp suddenly hilang sbb blogspot xok masa tue. btw, juz to update about luqman development. checking luqman on his 5 months old, he has weight of 6.8 kg and height of 69cm. erk, budak kck yg panjang, aunties kata luqman nie tinggi bila da besar nnt. hmm, bulan nie luqman xdemam..alhamdulillah. nurse said supposedly this injection will cause a fever tp luqman x. myb berkesan kot tips k.nah tuk ltk minyak cap kapak kat tempat dia inject. i cannot describe it penah baca kat majalah rapi juga..sapu bawang after the injection.
hmm, tapi lain pulak penyakit luqman dpt bulan nie.. luqman got allergies after we went back from auntie huda's reception. spttnya kitorg satu family nak blk kg mlm tgk luqman lesu sgt, papa decided not going back. ingat nk bg luqman rehat..mmg mama n luqman trus tdo mlm tue..cian cayang mama! tp bila bgn esok pg, tgk muka dia merah. ingatkan juz kene gigit nyamuk, but we getting worried when his body full of red spot..

pusing satu SU, 1 klinik pn xbuka coz it's on 1 may..labour day. at last, kitorg xjd blk kg..biar luqman tdo kat rumah n bawa dia g putra medical centre tghari tu. alhamdulillah, ada dr. dr said luqman developed his allergic, myb during the travelling time or from any person that he touched..xpela, experience for mama n papa. luqman recovered after 2 days. minggu dpnnya kitorg blk kg n jumpa atok, opah, nenek2, aunties n uncles luqman..along n aqilah ikut skali. sgt kecoh kete ok..we celebrate mother's day. tq papa for the cake =) story will b updated nx entry..
hmm, tapi lain pulak penyakit luqman dpt bulan nie.. luqman got allergies after we went back from auntie huda's reception. spttnya kitorg satu family nak blk kg mlm tgk luqman lesu sgt, papa decided not going back. ingat nk bg luqman rehat..mmg mama n luqman trus tdo mlm tue..cian cayang mama! tp bila bgn esok pg, tgk muka dia merah. ingatkan juz kene gigit nyamuk, but we getting worried when his body full of red spot..
pusing satu SU, 1 klinik pn xbuka coz it's on 1 may..labour day. at last, kitorg xjd blk kg..biar luqman tdo kat rumah n bawa dia g putra medical centre tghari tu. alhamdulillah, ada dr. dr said luqman developed his allergic, myb during the travelling time or from any person that he touched..xpela, experience for mama n papa. luqman recovered after 2 days. minggu dpnnya kitorg blk kg n jumpa atok, opah, nenek2, aunties n uncles luqman..along n aqilah ikut skali. sgt kecoh kete ok..we celebrate mother's day. tq papa for the cake =) story will b updated nx entry..
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