hmm, tapi lain pulak penyakit luqman dpt bulan nie.. luqman got allergies after we went back from auntie huda's reception. spttnya kitorg satu family nak blk kg mlm tgk luqman lesu sgt, papa decided not going back. ingat nk bg luqman rehat..mmg mama n luqman trus tdo mlm tue..cian cayang mama! tp bila bgn esok pg, tgk muka dia merah. ingatkan juz kene gigit nyamuk, but we getting worried when his body full of red spot..
pusing satu SU, 1 klinik pn xbuka coz it's on 1 may..labour day. at last, kitorg xjd blk kg..biar luqman tdo kat rumah n bawa dia g putra medical centre tghari tu. alhamdulillah, ada dr. dr said luqman developed his allergic, myb during the travelling time or from any person that he touched..xpela, experience for mama n papa. luqman recovered after 2 days. minggu dpnnya kitorg blk kg n jumpa atok, opah, nenek2, aunties n uncles luqman..along n aqilah ikut skali. sgt kecoh kete ok..we celebrate mother's day. tq papa for the cake =) story will b updated nx entry..
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